Media Ministry - Transformation Television Broadcast (WATC TV 57)
One of the ways that New Creation seeks to make disciples of all nations is through Pastor High's weekly appearance on the Transformation broadcast. This broadcast airs each Thursday night on
WATC TV 57 at 11:00 pm EST. Apostle Highs prophetic teaching ministry has brought many to Christ.

Childrens - Christmas Toy Program & Back to School Program
Since December 2011, New Creation Christian Church has donated hundreds of Christmas toys to children ages 0 - 17. New Creation's desire is to see every child experience the love of Jesus Christ through gift giving during this special time of celebrating the birth of our savior. New Creation also participates in Samaritan's Purse "Operation Christmas Child," which is a ministry that delivers gift-filled shoe-boxes to under privilege children in countries around the world.
New Creation also provides school age children with age-appropriate school supplies for each upcoming school year.
For more information on our Christmas Toy Program or our Back to School Program, call our Community Outreach Ministry at 1-800-581-4011, Ext 5.

Women - In Partnership with Hope for Domestic Violence (Lawrenceville, GA)
Our partnership with Hope for Domestic Violence allows us to give help to women who had been in abusive situations. Our donations of children and adult clothing, toiletry items, shoes and small appliances helps to keep these women in a safe environment where they can begin a new life.
Click Here for more information on Hope for Domestic Violence.

Evangelism - Evangelism Team
New Creations Evangelism Team has one primary goal; to save souls. Our team goes into neighborhoods and on street corners to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to share with all that accepting him is the way to be saved.